Mosquito Alert, in the new guide to “Citizen Science and Nature. A challenge for Education for Sustainability” of the Generalitat

After observing the reduction of biodiversity by 25% in just over twenty years, the Govern de la Generalitat has planned a strategy for nature conservation in Catalonia until 2030. One of the main points of This plan aims to involve society in the conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity.

In this context, the Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rurala promotes a collection of guides aimed at schools that place the conservation of biodiversity as a focus of educational work in schools.

The first guide to the collection is “Ciència Ciutadana i Natura. Un repte per a l’Educació per a la Sostenibilitat”. This manual highlights the concept of citizen science, which we understand as a form of relationship between society and science that encourages the active participation of citizens in scientific research activities, either with their knowledge, with their intellectual effort or with their tools and resources. In this collaborative context, volunteer participants provide a wealth of observations and experimental data to research teams, allowing scientific institutions to expand their research capacity to previously unimaginable limits. On the other hand, volunteers, while adding value to research, acquire new knowledge and skills, perspectives and perspectives on science and on what the citizen science project focuses on.

One of the first initiatives in our country to involve society in research through citizen science is the Mosquito Alert project, led by the scientist from the Center for Advanced Studies in Blanes, Dr. Frederic Bartumeus.

Mosquito Alert investigates and controls mosquitoes that transmit diseases such as yellow fever, Zika, Dengue, or Chikungunya. This project collects much of its data from a large number of volunteer external contributors who, through platforms such as the Mosquito Alert App, provide valuable information about these infectious disease-transmitting insects.

“Citizen Science and Nature. A challenge for Education for Sustainability” highlights Mosquito Alert in its section“ Experiences and learning ”, highlighting the contribution that this citizen science project makes to the conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity.