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El treball de recerca de batxillerat de l’Eric Alegret Olivé de l’Institut S’Agulla de Blanes, titulat “Aproximació a la diversitat de microorganismes: Estudi fenotípic i genotípic del microbioma de conills salvatges com a via per a introduir-se al món de la Microbiologia”, ha rebut aquest any 2017 ni més ni menys que 3 primers premis: el 1r premi de les exposicions del pòster científic del Treball de Recerca per l’Ajuntament de Blanes (17 juny), el 1r premi Argó de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (20 juny) i el 1r premi Cirit de la Universitat de Vic (22 juny). El treball va ser dirigit des del CEAB pels doctors Emilio O. Casamayor i Xavier Triadó.


Extreme events are predicted to become more frequent with climate change. On the coast, sea level rise and increasing storminess will put further pressure on infrastructure that seeks to limit shoreline erosion and flooding. Salt marshes are vegetated ecosystems that occur in the intertidal zone. They are important regulators of the coastal environment, since they protect the coastline against floods and erosion. Efforts are made by governments to plan ahead for the future under climate change and to protect important ecosystems such as salt marshes. Current predictions, however, lack in evidence on how resilient marshes are to climate change. Some marshes undergo sudden changes or state shifts – dramatically declining or expanding in area or shifting their distribution, for instance from one part of an estuary to another. The causes for such shifts may not be known, although some are thought to be natural. This uncertainty presents a challenge to shoreline management planning. Currently, there are no predictions as to when or where state shifts will occur. The inability to account for such long-term ecosystem dynamics is the main knowledge gap that hampers the effective use of coastal ecosystems for flood defence.


Los destrozos ocurridos en la playa de la Conca, en Malgrat de Mar, eran previsibles. Una playa que ya no puede cumplir con su función de proteger el litoral, debido a las modificaciones a las que se ha visto sometida, un fuerte temporal de mar y unas actuaciones de defensa mal planificadas han dado lugar a “La Tormenta Perfecta” en nuestro litoral. ¿Y ahora qué? ¿Playa o rocas?