Ph.D. in Biodiversity (University of Barcelona) with a thesis titled “Multi-scale analysis of Discoglossus pictus auritus (Amphibia, anura) invasiveness: macro-, meso-, and micro-scale“. Has collaborated with different research centres focused on the ecological study of the main factors that alter the natural equilibrium of ecosystems and has carried out fellowships at the CICGE (Geo-Space Sciences Research Centre / Centro de Investigação em Ciências Geo-Espaciais), Porto ( During her scientific career she has applied different techniques such as ecological niche modelling, trapping and monitoring of populations of different groups, stable isotope analysis and skeletochronological analysis, among others.

Currently, as a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Blanes (CEAB) with Frederic Bartumeus (ICREA Research Professor and co-director of MosquitoAlert), is working on different projects of the research group. The research lines are focused on the ecology of vector populations and their influence and relation with disease transmission.